VBE GEO TEXT PRO: This puppy is beyond awesome. Not only does ithave GEO TEXT, is has it Times 3. Now, depending on what sensor isactivated. That particular sensor will now stop on whatever text,the spirit chooses. Geo Text, auto calibrates for the position thedevice is placed. Simply hit the RESET, to move to a new location.VBE - REV AUDIO: This audio loop, has 1 male, 1 female and a groupof people, playing in Reverse with Reverb added. No static, justvariable audio tones. Perfect for getting a clear response. It iseffected also by the Sensors that run GEO TEXT. Rate Cut Out: Thisnew Rate Cut Out, goes up to 99. It is effected also by the Sensorsthat run GEO TEXT. This cut out, is highly effected. The Cut Outitself, will be effected throughout the investigation. VBE VIDEOITC: This Video GIF, has 4 parts. While GEO TEXT, is running. Anyactive sensor, will change the Video Display to said sensor. HELPINFO: To get the best results using GEO TEXT PRO. 1) Place Deviceon a Flat Surface. 1a) If using VBE REV AUDIO, turn on audio andset rate. 2) Press the Help Info Screen. 3) Timer will count downto 0, then disappear. GEO TEXT PRO, is now active INVESTIGATIONHELP: CHECKING CALIBRATION. Simply tap anywhere around the device.You should trigger the device. SPIRIT HELP: Simply ask the spiritto touch the device, when they see their word choice. Please, givethe spirit time to get used to using the application. At first, youmay get odd responses when triggered. VBE REV AUDIO: While usingthis application, simply ask the spirit to speak into the directionof the audio. Best results, can be had by propping the device upwith an object. I.E. Pencil, rock, etc... This will allow thesurface to magnify the audio. PLEASE REMEMBER: If using somethingto prop up the Device. Make sure to Calibrate the device prior oragain. Moving the device, while GEO TEXT PRO, is running. Willcause undesirable effects. Calibration, must be completed beforeevery move. VIDEO Provided by: KEVIN HIMES THANK YOU, to everyonewho has purchased previous and current,VBE Applications. Greatestluck on your Investigations or Hunt. = )
VBE HS 12-589 PRO 1.0
Featuring all the Audio from the Free Version as follows. This badboy, has 6 Looped Audio Files, Created by me and my Hackshack12-589. There is one Forward, typical easy everyday Scan. 4 ReverseScans with multiple effects each Plus, the already proven butrevisited V3Audio. There is a new Function called AUTO SELECT. Thisbad boy goes through all the banks at a rate of 10/100 per second.Cut Out Rate, still functions like all my old apps, with a newawesome function of effecting the AUTO SELECT, function. Cut outRate, now has Touch or select, to increase or decrease the Rate.Volume is now an Easy Slider. Selected Audio Files, light up on themain page and stay lit. This makes it easy to deselect. In theupper Right Hand Corner, is your FLASHLIGHT control. You can useThe Cut Out Rate and the Flashlight as one. Meaning, turn on theFlashlight, Select your audio file. Then Adjust the Rate. YourLight on your phone will flash with the Cut Out Rate. PRO VERSIONADDS: Advertisements removed. Light Effects / Extras Menu LIGHTEFFECTS: 4 Strobe Effects 1) RED STROBE 2) RED / BLUE STROBE 3)GREEN STROBE 4) WHITE CONTRAST STROBE 1 and 4, already proven forexcellent night recording. 1: Great for using Night Vision or FULLspectrum Cameras. 4: Personally love using this for Orb Trackingwith any Camcorder or Camera. No Flash Needed on your second phoneor camera. Simply lay on a table then set to 4. Set the Auto Speedto your desired Flash Rate. Start filiming. AUTO CONTROL SPEED:This speed control, controls not only the Lighting effects, but italso sinks the Auto Audio Bank Selection tracks to the Flash. Tome, if you can catch EVPS clearly at say 12, then you should beable to catch Video of the spirit at the same rate. Only time andour investigations will comfirm this, as our Investigations with myprior apps have recorded Clear Intelligent Responses from the otherside. Here's to another Great year of Evidence. THANK YOU, For yoursupport and Excellent Ratings. Any issues or concerns. PleaseMessage me at Facebook. Thanks. USER VIDEOS:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE-wozPKnMohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI3TGqJI2Kc
EMF Based Ghost Radar / Ghost Box, Portable
VBE Ghost Tracker SENTRY 1.0
VBE SENTRY ( EMF / GEO - Ghost Box ). This puppy is designed forboth mobile and stationary usage. This is a full Blown, GhostHunting Application for professional use. *** YOUR DEVICE, MUSTHAVE AN EMF AND GEO SENSOR *** This is so you can take fulladvantage of the application. The EMF / GEO Mode, is active inStand Mode, only. Walk Mode, Turns off the Geo Sensor and adds 5.01to the Base EMF Calibration. Calibration is now easier. The newsetup uses simple numbers to calibrate. Much easier to shareCalibration codes. The EMF Radar from my previous app, is now inthe center of this app. It works just like the previous version.Spot on! The GEO Sensor part of the Application, was created frommy GH Ghost Box data, mixed with the KH and GC0216. The audio isfrom C64 Forever ( DAVE ), user requested audio track. The EMFSensor Audio, is the famous V3AudioV2. Both Audio Tracks together,sound fantastic. Please Visithttps://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC, if you need help withcalibration or using this device. Thank you, for using VBE INCApplications.
VBE GHOST COM 052016 5in1 2.0
Ghost / Spirit ITC OS System
Ghost Hunting ( Experimental Equipment.)
In Honor of the Men and woman that died in 1863 at Gettysburg, PA.I decided to make this Gettysburg Version Ghost box. This editionhas the gettysburg address, both forward and backwards. V3audio andV4audio. There is also Civil War, trigger sound objects. An AudioBattle File, I created. Also a marching band drummer. Like all myGhost Boxes. This one has Cut out Rate and Volume / Mute Control.Included is a Help File, to understand how to use it. ( PICTURED )The Video on Google, is my Investigation at Devil's Den, inGettysburg, PA. You can clearly hear Spirits, communicating with meat this location. Be advised, These spirits curse quite a bit.Thank you, for your support. USER VIDEOS at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zzGCaPdpgkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI1Lrp0Y4bo
8 Audio BanksAuto randomizationK2 Mute Button ( Added in Update )Manual scan rateChop rate for manual controlsK2 (45° - 0° angle )Volume controlPlay / stopFacebook and YouTube linking.Helpful usage hints, tips and tricks.Thank you for choosing VBE INC.
Before Downloading this app. I suggest Running a few tests. Pleasedownload a sensor box style app first!!! This app is quite large. Iwould suggest after downloading, to move it to your SD CARD. Knownissues. This app has been tested on New phones with no problems.Old phones running Android 2.0 or older, have been known to crash.Please understand. This app is like a generation 3 Game systemgame. Trying to run it on a first generation game console, willcause lag, or crash the app. The ( HOW TOO ) info on using thisapp, is at my Website. APPS IN THIS APP... VBE SOUND BOARD VBE GEOTEXT ( First of it's Kind - Original Design ) VBE MOTION SENSOR VBECOLOR STROBE VBE OUIJA BOARD Thank you, for your support!
Ghost Hunting Application.
This app is a K2 Meter and Ghost Box in one.
This app is used for the purposes of making audio contact with thespirit realm.
This App, is my Pride and Joy. Already Tested by Ghost Hunters allover the World. It has proven to consistently provide verifiabledata. Not only does GEO TEXT, typically match the Audio you hearwhen a Spirit is speaking, but spirits themselves have proven tomanipulate the Software itself while running. Featuring Audio fromGHOST HOST INC and Myself. This ghost box is amazing. Example: TheApp is not designed to Consistently display the same Text in GEOTEXT, yet it has done this for not only myself, but other GhostHunters as well. Thus, proving that the accelerometer isconsistantly being shaken during an investigation. Another Example:I've had the Text actually stop, then catch up quickly. This showsme, that the spirit actually effected the processor in my devices.The app itself is not designed to do that. I always use any of myapps in Airplane mode. I suggest doing the same. The reason forthis, is to prevent any interference from Data transfer or apossible text message, causing the devices Vibrate function fromeffecting your data collection, while investigating. This app, isdesigned for Real Ghost Hunting. What I mean by this is, Don'tExpect it to always produce Data. It will, when it is effected. Itwill NOT, if nothing is triggering it! This app has been tested onolder and new Phones and Tablets. It has proven to do the same onall Tested. Please Visit my Site to share your findings witheveryone. There is Multiple Ghost Hunting Sites and Members at mysite, that would enjoy your findings. Thank you, for your support.
VBE SENSOR Compatibility APP 1.2
VBE SENSOR APP, for testing Compatibility with Various Apps.
EMF Ghost Radar, EMF Ghost Sensor, EMF Ghost Box and Classic Ghostbox in one.
VBE ITC MASTER SUITE Ghost Hunting Application 3.9
****BEFORE PURCHASE. Download:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.VBE.SENSORTEST totest your device. You MUST HAVE a Compass Sensor in yourdevice********* The VBE ITC MASTER SUITE contains the following,*** NEW *** 1) User Requested GHOST BOX, Function. = Non stop userspeed controlled / Chopped audio 2) Added Spirit BOARD EMF ACTIVEEditable 2A) User Submitted Backgrounds for the OUIJA BOARD. LINK:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1518304578209803&set=pcb.968966656567776&type=33) Added a Quick Camera to Take Pictures on the FLY DEVICEBRANDING: 1) Background changing ability to Brand your GhostHunting Group, into the apps Background. IN APP: 1) GHOST TRACKER =GHOST RADAR 2) EMF METER = K2 3) SPIRIT WORD = PX Device style wordselection by EMF input. User Speed Control 4) EMF SAYS = Simon Saysstyle GHOST GAME 5) EMF ALARM = K2 Detect EMF 6) FLASHLIGHT ( Notcompatible with some devices - Samsung ) 7) LIGHTS = SimulatedLazer Grid 8) SCREEN SHOT = Snap Photos of Evidence 9) SPIRITSCREEN SHOT = Snaps photos When Spirit is Detected 10) EMF ARTBOARD = You can Draw with a Spirit 11) HAUNTED LOCATIONS = Usersubmitted Haunted Locations by Coordinates 12) Spirit BOARD (EDITABLE ) = Create your own Board for Communications or use theStock OUIJA Board styled board. 13) MASTER VOLUME CONTROL = Controlover app Volume 14) SPIRIT TYPE WRITER = EMF Controlled IntelligentTyping OS SYSTEM: Twisted Tabs by VBE 1) HELP MENU = Videos andLive Help at our Group. 2) AUDIO GHOST BOX CONTROL = Ovilus Style (Reversed Englished, Chopped up ) 3) DEVICE INFO TAB = DeviceInformation for online Help 4) CALIBRATION CONTROL with EMF LEDDISPLAY = K2 Style EMF Display 5) SAVE CALIBRATION DATA = SavesUsers Calibration 6) SAVE DATA = SCREENSHOTS, HAUNTED LOCATIONSHARING, SPIRIT TYPED INPUT Audio Tracks: 11 reversed GarbledEnglish audio tracks = Ovilus Style Chopped Audio HELP: LIVE GROUP:https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/ ( 1,000+ Members growingdaily ) VIDEO EXPLANATION:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeayxaICAxQ&t=14s ( 20,000+views of channel ) Thank you, for your support.
This is a TEST app, for attempting new ways of helping with PhotoEnhancements of ORBS, Shadow Figures and other anomalies. USE: 1)APP REQUIRES DATA of SOME SORT. ( Advertisement Supported ) 2)Photos Are compressed from Horizontal to Vertical. ( Helps with lowResolution Cameras ) 3) Original Photos can be Saved VIA the Cameraand Edited are Saved Via Screenshot of Original HOW TO USE?: 1)SNAP PHOTOS HORIZONTALLY 2) Return to main screen of app to enhancethe photos. 3) Once Finished. PRESS SAVE! To report any issues orideas for future Releases. Please Visit our FACEBOOK GROUP and postyour comments. Thank you for your Continued support.
EMF PUMP. Features: 1) Pulse Control 2) Length of Pulse This appsimply uses your Phones Vibration function as a Means of producingan EMF Field that Spirits can Feed off. Obviously not the samelevel as a True EMF Pump, but the Price of FREE, more thencompensates for its much smaller field of power. Test with a K2Meter of Choice to confirm this app works. Thank you for yoursupport.
VBE EMF Ghost tracker SENTRY 2 1.0
EMF Radar / GEO Sensor Detection, VIDEO / AUDIO ITC application.Ghost hunting
This app, uses your compass sensor to display angles and such. Thisapp is a handy way of checking levelness of floors, walls, pictureframes, windows, etc... Installing this app to your phone makes itvery portable. No extra tools to carry. Great for on the spotchecks to keep from having to run to the truck or shed for a level.You can check level at both 0 and 90 degrees. You can create framesby adjusting your device to 45%. You can also check roof pitchesand ladder pitch to code. 75% ladder pitch is code. Best results byusing the flat side of your phone or tablet. Thank you, for yoursupport and be safe out there.
VBE ITC MASTER SUITE GEO Ghost Hunting Application 4.0
The VBE ITC MASTER SUITE GEO contains the following, 1)UserRequested GHOST BOX, Function. = Non stop user speed controlled/Chopped audio 2) Added Spirit BOARD GEO ACTIVE Editable 2A)UserSubmitted Backgrounds for the spirit ( OUIJA ) BOARD styledapp.LINK:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1518304578209803&set=pcb.968966656567776&type=33)Added a Quick Camera to Take Pictures on the FLY DEVICEBRANDING: 1)Background changing ability to Brand your GhostHunting Group, intothe apps Background. IN APP: 1) GEO DETECTOR =Detects Vibrations 2)GEO METER = Detects Vibrations, displays LEDsper power of vibration3) SPIRIT WORD = PX Device style wordselection by GEO input. UserSpeed Control 4) GEO SAYS 2 = SimonSays style GHOST GAME 5) GEOALARM = Detects Virbrations 6)FLASHLIGHT ( Not compatible with somedevices - Samsung ) 7) LIGHTS= Simulated Lazer Grid 8) SCREEN SHOT= Snap Photos of Evidence 9)SPIRIT SCREEN SHOT = Snaps photos WhenSpirit is Detected 10) GEOART BOARD = You can Draw with a Spirit11) GEO HAUNTED LOCATIONS =User submitted Haunted Locations byCoordinates 12) Spirit BOARD (EDITABLE ) = Create your own Boardfor Communications or use theStock OUIJA Board styled. 13) MASTERVOLUME CONTROL = Control overapp Volume 14) SPIRIT TYPE WRITER =GEO Controlled IntelligentTyping OS SYSTEM: Twisted Tabs by VBE 1)HELP MENU = Videos andLive Help at our Group. 2) AUDIO GHOST BOXCONTROL = Ovilus Style (Reversed English, Chopped up ) 3) DEVICEINFO TAB = DeviceInformation for online Help 4) CALIBRATION CONTROLwith GEO LEDDISPLAY = K2 Style Display 5) SAVE CALIBRATION DATA =Saves UsersCalibration 6) SAVE DATA = SCREENSHOTS, HAUNTED LOCATIONSHARING,SPIRIT TYPED INPUT Audio Tracks: 11 reversed GarbledEnglish audiotracks = Ovilus Style Chopped Audio HELP: LIVEGROUP:https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/ ( 1,000+ Membersgrowingdaily ) VIDEOEXPLANATION:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeayxaICAxQ&t=14s (20,000+views of channel ) Thank you, for your support.
The Easiest to use VBE Ghost Hunting application Ever...
EMF and Vibration Word Selection Ghost Hunting Application
VBE ITC X1 2.1
EMF and GEO Ghost Hunting Application
VBE EMF RADAR 2020 1.0
Our Latest Paranormal Ghost Hunting Radar app
Sensor and User Controlled EVP recording for your InvestigationThisdevice is designed so that it can be used for both aLIVEinvestigation and a Monitor Style Investigation, where theDeviceis left alone to monitor and record a location. Using yourDevicesAccelerometer Sensor and it's Compass Sensor. This appmonitors allreadings above Zero. Any Reading above, while in AUTOMODE, willrecord the corresponding audio. If the Anomaly isconsistent. Avalue of 1 second per second or 1 second per 1/3second, will beadded to the countdown timer. EMF's provide 1 secondwhile GEOprovides 3 seconds for Vibrations. This allows for asimply Passby, Bump or Footstep to be recorded. The remaining timeis for thefade away of the anomaly. Thus, you will be able to getnot onlythe initial sound, but also any sound that no longer iseffectingthe application. Features: 1) Normal EVP RecordingFunction = UserStarts and Stops 2) EMF Auto Mode Recording Function= Spirit 3)GEO Auto Mode Recording Function = Spirit 4) DUAL AutoModeRecording Function = Spirit 5) EMF Detection =ElectromagneticField 6) GEO Detection = Vibration 7) AUTO Recording= Triggered bySensors 8) AUTO STOP = Triggered by spirit no longerusing it 9)AUTO TIMER = Bumped, Vibration short, etc... 10) PLAYLAST = Playsthe Last Recording for quick review 11) STOP ALL =Stops Recordingand overrides Auto Modes. 12) Color Selection =Great for Nighthunting with cameras 13) Folder Specific FileCreation = As Stated14) OGG format for Clarity = Clean and easy toenhance 15) ONSCREEN HELP = Information on how to use this app 16)ON SCREEN FILEINFO = Save directory info 17) EMF Threshold INFO =EMF DetectionInfo 18) GEO Threshold INFO = GEO Detection Info 19)TIME = CurrentTime 20) Timer = Count Down timer for Spirit We havea supportgroup, for each and everyone of our VBE INC apps. Membersareavailable everyday. If you need any help, regardless of whereyoulive in the world. Help is available.GROUP:https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/SITE:https://rickyvb3.wixsite.com/vbeinc Thank you for yourcontinuedsupport...
Includes: 1) EMF Detection Meter 2) EMF Radar 3) EMF Input4)Proximity BEEP - VIA EMF Strength 5) Steam Touch 6) Compass 7)AGPS- Compass 8) GEO GHOST BOX 9) GEO Input Vibration Detection10)Static Trigger Object 11) Onscreen HELP for each page. 12)Groupsupport at VBE INC = https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/Thisapplication is used for the Detection and Communication ofspirits.You can verify this app works as it should with any Metal,bysimply placing your device near the metal source. The appwilldetect the Magnetic Field between your device and the Metalsource.A magnet can do the same thing, however I do not recommendusing aMagnet as your device might become magnetized or Lose ofdata mayoccur from your memory source. However, both ways can showyou thisapp, does it's job as designed. Thank you, for yoursupport...
EMF METER / Reader with VISUAL Input
VBE K2 Demonic 2.0
K2 Style EMF Meter
Links to VBE INC Sites and such Thanks for your support...
This app is designed to give a Spirit the ability to communicatewith the living. Upon startup, this application Calibrates for yourdevice and sets the max Threshold to keep the device's Sensor fromrandomly selecting words. Please note, you may need to increase theThreshold to resist any traffic or other vibrations present priorto asking questions. The goal is to force this app to do nothingunless effected by a vibration. Obviously, you do not hold thisapplication while in use. During any calibrations or selections.This app goes into a standby mode in order to avoid any falsevibration from your user input. Once you the user, have finishedyou question or selection. The app will resume after a 5 secondcountdown. This countdown is to make sure that all vibrations havestopped so that the app can work as Designed and pick up any slightvibrations, caused by an outside source ( Ghost ). Features: 1)1097 Common word Database 2) 8608 Common Names Database 3) Useravailable Language add on Database ( User downloads, Creates andimports ) 4) User available Names add on Database ( User Downloads,Creates and imports ) 5) Screenshot mode button 6) Auto Screenshotmode button ( Unattended monitoring - Ghost activated ) 7) AutoCalibration Function 8) Manual Calibration Functions 9) Time 10)Battery Life 11) Sensor readings ( X+Y+Z = ? ) 12)Current Wordmonitor 13) User input ( Via Onscreen Keyboard ) 14) LED display (Light that represent the current Max Threshold was succeeded ) 15)WORD Color Highlight selection ( When a large vibration is detected= Yellow Text ) 16) Hit counter ( The number of inputs fromvibrations ) 17) Error information Screen 18) Power off button
14 of our Best Ghost Hunting Tools in one application.
VBE K2 Advanced Ghost Box Meter 3.0
This app measures the UT fields around your device. Default thisappis set at typical 2.5 - 20+ UT fields to detect via LEDandProximity Beep. The User can adjust both the fields and whentheLEDS Illuminate. As soon as you start this app. You are readytoinvestigate. This app does not detect vibrations. So you can useitwhile walking and for stationary investigations. TESTING: 1)Simplyplace near any metallic object to create a ELECTROMAGNETICFIELD. (EMF ) If no Detection. Place near a speaker or magnet tocreate aElectromagnetic field. 2) Slowly move towards and away fromtheobject with your device. You will notice the Proximity beepspeedsup as you get close and slows down as you move away.Features: 1)Auto set and ready to detect 2) Default standard UTField Settings( At start and Reset ) 3) Fully adjustable values forthe user ( 0- 99 ) 4) Battery Monitor ( Detects a drain of powerfrom thebattery during an investigation ) 5) Reversed Looped audiotrack (No Languages ) GHOST BOX MODE 6) TEST button ( Use for weakspiritsafter asking a question 7) Proximity Beep ( Audible soundfordistance to EMF source ) 8) GHOST BOX MODE ( Reversed loopedaudiofor spirits to use and manipulate ) 9) Time of day ( AM - PM )10)VOLUME CONTROL ( PROXIMITY versus Volume ) Closer = louder/Further away = quieter
VBE PARATOOLZ PRO Ghost Hunting Application 1
This application requires a Compass and Accelerometer Sensor tobeactive and working in your device. If you do not have acompasssensor, then you will be limited to only AccelerometerFunctions ofthe app. Tools Included: 1) EMF DIRECTIONAL RADAR 2)EMF MULTIMETER3) EMF METER with Weak Spirit Calibrate 4) EMFPARAPHRASE ( Wordselection by EMF input ) 5) GEO PARAPHRASE ( WordSelection by GEOinput ) 6) GEO METER with auto Calibrate 7)PARATOOLZ ( Completeapp ) 8) EVP AUTO RECORDER ( Complete app -Normal EVP Recorder +EMF and GEO start ) 9) EVP ENHANCER ( Quick onthe spot enhancementfor EVPs ) Features, within the app: 1) ScreenShot 2) Jump toCamera Function 3) Internal File Selection of audio.ogg 4) GhostBox audio ( Reversed LOOPED garbled audio - Nolanguage! ) This appis designed to be used to communicate with thedead. It has beentested in the field and we have had amazingresults. This appincludes 2 of our already proven paranormal apps.PARATOOLZ and theEVP Auto Recorder, have been used all around theworld with amazingresults. Videos can be found on Youtube of users,using these appsto collect fantastic evidence. The Ghost Box audiois audio Choppedup and Looped in reverse, to make the Audio NOLANGUAGE AT ALL.This is to prevent someone from thinking the audiois actually aspirit. The point to this is to power the speaker fora spirit tospeak into it. We gathered over the years, that when aspirit's EMFsource or GEO source is added or subtracted from thespeakers EMFpower ( Speaker vibrating ). You can hear a spiritspeaking throughthe speaker. Which, is our belief and has beenaccepted around theworld by users hearing their own languages andanswers to theirquestions. We have taken it a step further andadded words forspirits to select, via an input of EMF or GEO.During aninvestigation. To verify a spirit is actually using theapp. Simpleask them to read the words they select or ask them toselect a wordthat will answer your question. It's one thing todebunk whatsounds like a certain word. It is another to have thatwordselected and said at the same moment, that answers yourquestion.Lastly, it is up to you the user to use this app properlyand todebunk any evidence that could be triggered by anothersource. I.E.Power lines or Vibrations caused by wind or yourself.However, ifyour record evidence that you can not debunk. PLEASEshare it inour growing group of over 3,000+ members. All evidencehelps withfuture development of our apps at VBE INC. No, this isnot forentertainment purposes. This is a tool and should be used assuch.If you download this app, expecting random words or ghostlyfiguresto appear. You will be disappointed. Please be respectfultospirits at any location you visit. However, if a spiritisdisrespecting you for no apparent reason. You should leave orshowthe same type of respect back. Nevertheless, Thank you foryoursupport and evidence sharing. Without it, we would not be atthislevel currently of almost Flawless, evidence.
Spirit Powered ITC Music Communications
This app goes beyond anything we have created before. There is16Main apps for communications and 3 external apps within themainapp. Communication apps ( Stationary mode ) 1) GHOST WORDS -Wordselection by EMF input 2) TAROT Cards - Feeling and commonanswercard selection by EMF 3) Crystal Ball - Common answers toquestionsEMF controlled 4) MYSTIC COMPASS - Answers , Letters andnumbers.EMF Controlled 5) EMF PIANO - Piano controlled by EMFValues 6) EMFGuitar - Guitar sounds controlled by EMF Values 7) EMFDRUMS - Drumsounds controlled by EMF Values 8) VOICE TONE CONTROL -Ghost boxwith Group / Male / Female tones. GEO activated. 9) WARSOUNDS -Audio Trigger Objects 01 controlled by EMF Values 10) EMFART BOARD- An ART BOARD controlled by EMF Values 11) CURSIVE PAD -Asignature pad controlled by EMF Values 12) TOY SOUNDS - Toyandschool sounds controlled by EMF Values 13) VERIFICATION GAME -CardMatching controlled by EMF Values 14) STATIC AUDIO -Interferencecontrolled by EMF Values 15) TRUST BOX - Ghost boxcontrolled byEMF, GEO and User push button control 16) HAUNTEDLOCATIONS - Groupshared Haunted Location links and images ExtraFeatures for preciseInvestigations: 1) EMF Calibrations Manual andAUTO 2) GEOCalibrations Manual and AUTO 3) Battery Monitor -Monitors Batterydrain for abnormal reductions in power 4) CompassSensor locationmarker 5) Built in Screen Shot Function 6) AUTOCONFIGURATION -Auto calibrates your device for your currentlocation 7) AUTO MODESWITCH - Pick up for WALK MODE 8) HauntedTimes - Alert for Hauntedtimes WALK MODE: 1) UT EMF METER - Top -Reads common UT values anddisplays high values 2) EMF Radar -Displays current EMF Data inORB Form 3) EMF PULL X - VBE ORIGINAL -Tells you the direction ofa magnetic pull 4) COMPASS - NormalCompass to tell direction 5)Camera - Short cut to your camera app6) Video - Short cut to yourvideo camera app 7) Flashlight - Shortcut to your Flashlight app (Does not work on all devices ) 8)Screen Shot function 9) BEEPAUDIO PROXIMITY - Choose between a beepor the GHOST BOX AUDIO 10)HOLD - Hold Walk Mode for a typical K2style Meter RECENTLY ADDED:1) EVP RECORDER - Records the audio ofyour investigation There isa ton of features within each and everyapp. An example would bethe GHOST WORDS app, has the ability toimport their own Names andWords list in their own language. Pleasevisit our group to readthe entire manual. FULL OWNER'S MANUAL andFeatures at:https://rickyvb3.wixsite.com/vbeinc Prior to buying anyof ourapps. Please test your device first. This app Requires aCOMPASSSENSOR and a Accelerometer Sensor.LINK:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.VBE.SENSORTEST&hl=enIfyour device passes the app above. Please test the device againwiththis app. If you notice lag or this app crashes. Your devicewillnot be able to handle this GATEWAY app.LINK:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.VBEINC.VBESENSORTESTER&hl=enIfyou have any Questions or would like more information. Pleasevisitour website and ask your questions or request moreinformation. Wewill be happy to help you.LINK:https://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/ Thank you, foryoursupport...
This app is designed to give a Spirit the ability tocommunicatewith the living. Upon startup, this applicationCalibrates for yourdevice and sets the max Threshold to keep thedevice's Sensor fromrandomly selecting words. Please note, you mayneed to increase theThreshold to resist any Metal or other MagneticSurfaces presentprior to asking questions. The goal is to forcethis app to donothing unless effected by an EMF. Do not hold thisapplicationwhile in use, as holding the device can cause vibrationsto theinternal compass. During any calibrations or selections. Thisappgoes into a standby mode in order to avoid any false EMForVibration from your user input. Once you the user, havefinishedyour question or selection. The app will resume after a 5secondcountdown. This countdown is to make sure that all vibrationsandEMF have stopped so that the app can work as Designed and pickupany slight vibrations or EMF, caused by an outside source (Ghost). Features: 1) 1097 Common word Database 2) 8608 CommonNamesDatabase 3) User available Language add on Database (Userdownloads, Creates and imports ) 4) User available Names addonDatabase ( User Downloads, Creates and imports ) 5) Screenshotmodebutton 6) Auto Screenshot mode button ( Unattended monitoring-Ghost activated ) 7) Auto Calibration Function 8)ManualCalibration Functions 9) Time 10) Battery Life 11) Sensorreadings( X+Y+Z = ? ) 12)Current Word monitor 13) User input ( ViaOnscreenKeyboard ) 14) LED display ( Light that represent thecurrent MaxThreshold was succeeded ) 15) WORD Color Highlightselection ( WhenHigh EMF is detected = GREEN Text ) 16) Hit counter( The number ofinputs from EMF or Vibrations ) 17) Errorinformation Screen 18)Alert to Magnetized Device 19) Power offbutton
VBE ITC GEO Ultimate Ghost Box This app is designed to be usedforthe Precise Vibration Detection of a Ghost. Once the Spirithasbeen Located. Simply activate the Audio to start yourconversation.Always explain to the Spirit/s to smack the device,only when theyare speaking. Testing at home: A) Tap Near theDevice. 1) Start theapp. 2) Wait until calibration is Complete 3)Tap Near your device.4) Device will start beeping faster as you tapcloser. Leds willincrease up to red as the Vibration gets stronger.The Magic 8Ball, will become visible when the vibration isconstant. 5) Youhave just tested the App and have proven it works!Includes thefollowing: 1) GEO Auto Calibration for both North pulland Userinput 2) GEO Audio Control 3) Vibration threshold basedonAccelerometer 4) Audio Chop Rate Control 5) Audio A) MALE B)FEMALE6) Night Mode ( Display becomes dark ) 7) Day Mode ( DefaultMode )8) Mute 9) Auto Calibration on Demand 10) Live Sensor Data11)Readings Current 12) Maxed Reading 13) Magic 8 BALL 14) 8 LedsforPrecise Vibration Threshold ( Proximity to Device and Strength)15) Device Compensation ( Quality of Accelerometer, Compensatedforall Devices ) 16) Battery Power Percentage 17) Current Time(Military for World Use ) 18) Calibration Display 19) ChopRateIndicator 20 ) LIVE SUPPORTathttps://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/ Thank you foryourSupport...
VBE ITC K2 Ultimate Ghost Box 2.0
VBE ITC K2 Ultimate Ghost Box This app is designed to be usedforthe Precise Location Detection of a Ghost. Once the Spirit hasbeenLocated. Simply activate the Audio to start yourconversation.Always explain to the Spirit/s to touch the device,only when theyare speaking. Testing at home: A) Using a piece ofmetal or Magnet1) Start the app. 2) Wait until calibration isComplete 3) Move themetal or magnet towards your device. 4) Devicewill start beepingfaster as the Metal / Magnet gets closer. Ledswill increase up tored as the Metal / Magnet gets closer. TheCompass arrow will aimtowards the Metal / Magnet. 5) You have justtested the App andhave proven it works! Is your device Magnetized?How to tell? 1)Start the app 2) Wait until Calibration iscompleted. 3) Look atthe Compass Needle. 4) Turn your device 360degrees. 5) If theneedle does not stay pointing in the samedirection. Then yourdevice is magnetized. How to demagnetize mydevice? LINK TO VIDEO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6qqsOobYkMIncludes the following:1) EMF Auto Calibration for both North pulland User input 2) EMFAudio Control 3) Proximity based on EMF Fields4) Audio Chop RateControl 5) Audio A) MALE B) FEMALE 6) Night Mode( Display becomesdark ) 7) Day Mode ( Default Mode ) 8) Mute 9)Auto Calibration onDemand 10) Live Sensor Data 11) Readings Current12) Maxed Reading13) Compass Sensor Display 14) 8 Leds for PreciseLocation Distance( Proximity to Device ) 15) Device Compensation (Quality ofCompass Sensor, Compensated for all Devices ) 16) BatteryPowerPercentage 17) Current Time ( Military for World Use )18)Calibration Display 19) Chop Rate Indicator 20 ) LIVE SUPPORTathttps://www.facebook.com/groups/VBEINC/ Thank you foryourSupport...
GHOST HUNT 2020 1.0
Our Latest Ghost Hunting Application with no Calibration needed.9/2020
VBE EMF X 2020 Ghost Hunting Application 1.0
Our new way of Detecting Paranormal EMF, blows the competitionoutof the Water. This is not just another EMF Meter. There isplentyof FREE EMF Meters at the Google Play Store, that are notforParanormal Investigations. This application not only FiltersoutFalse EMF from Electrical Outlets, Pipes and such. It alsoallowsyou to Filter out more if needed or Adjust for the mostPreciseStationary Investigation Possible with a phone. This new appallowsfor you to use your Device at any angle to detect a spiritand doesnot go off while walking with the built in Filter Feature.You cannow walk, run, jump, hang upside down from a tree like amonkey andnot read False Negatives. This application also has MultiLanguageSupport and User Calibration Save Settings ( AUTOMATIC ).This willallow us as a World of Paranormal Investigators to shareourEvidence with ease. Languages Currently Installed andAutomaticallyDetected: Chinese ZH English EN Hindi HI Spanish ESArabic AR MalayMS Russian RU Bengali, Bangla BN Portuguese PTFrench FR This Videopreview of this app is an Actual Investigationusing it. Yes, weuse our apps in the field daily. Stay tuned forMore and Thank you,for your support.
Paratoolz Master Edition 1.0
Paranormal Detection and ITC Application
This simple to use Compass app, comes with GEO LOCATIONwhenavailable. Nothing to setup. Just click the Icon and run theapp.Best results are to Demagnetize your Device by rotating it inafigure 8 motion. Then lay the Device down or hold at a 0%angle.This will allow your compass to find north with ease. Thankyou foryour Support.
Paratoolz 2019 Ghost Hunting Application 3.1
This application is Designed for Paranormal Investigators, whomneeda form of Communication outside the realms of a Typical K2Meter,Evp Recorder or Mel Meter. Our Application Uses both yourCompassand Accelerometer Sensors, to give you the ability to readyourcurrent surroundings. Not every EMF ( Electromagnetic Field )or VIB( Vibration ), is a Paranormal Event. Which with thisapplicationand our Older applications. You can determine this withExcellentResults. SAFETY Messages and Warnings... 1) BatteryMonitoring. Thistool keeps track of Battery usage. If a High Drainof power occurs.The Alarm will activate to let the User know,Something is DrainingPower Quickly from the Device. 2) High EMFand Vibration Monitoring.If the Device Detects a Combined Readingof over 1000. The Messagewill warn you of Danger. If the EMF andVibrations reach a HighLevel. You will be Warned again. This is towarn you of the presenceof High Electromagnetic Fields and/orPoltergeist, which arereported in numerous Forums and topics tohave High ElectromagneticFields. The Tools included within thisApplication: 1) EMF / VIBMonitor. This tool is both a VisualRepresentation of your Compassand a Digital Readout of YourCompass Sensors Data. It also includesa Digital Readout of yourAccelerometer Data. 2) EMF / VIB Manual.This Tool allows you toCalibrate your surroundings out of anInvestigation. Things likeHigh Electromagnetic fields can becompensated up to 1000 Combined.3) LIVE / EVP Recorder This Toolhas 3 Internal Tools. A. LIVE EVP.Live Evp is an Automatic 10Second Record and Play Cycle ofRecorded EVPs. The Cycle isActivated by an EMF Field or by aVibration. This allows for Handsfree Communication and Proves anIntelligent Input. B. GHOST BOX.This is also activated by EMF orVibration. The Audio is chopped upGarbled Nonsense. There is noLanguage and the audio loops. The Usercan test the Audio bypressing the Test Button. It can be Activatedby EMF and Vibration.Users should only listen for an Answer totheir Question.Obviously, if you hear only Garbled audio via anInput from EMF orVIB. You may want to use LIVE EVP instead. C.LIVE/ EVP Recorder.You can use this Recorder like any other soundrecorder or you canallow an Input from an EMF or Vibration toactivate the Recording.*** This Tool comes with a File Browser toplayback previouslyrecorded files.*** 4) Directional Answers Thistool by far is theeasiest to use, simply because all it takes tochoose an answer isan electromagnetic pull or repel in thedirection of the answer.Users can change the answers as well byclicking and filling in theedit boxes provided. 5) SpiritTypewriter. This tool allows for anElectromagnetic Field to controlthe compass and Type out lettersor numbers. Everything is visibleon the Screen with no hiddennonsense or code. The tool itself canbe tested for accuracy bysimply using a piece of metal above theCompass sensor location.*** This tool comes with a file browser foreasy loading and savingof Typed files!*** 6) Haunted Locations.This last tool allows youto pinpoint an exact Geo Location of anyElectromagneticDisturbance. You can then use the save file to findthat exactlocation in the future or to share with fellowinvestigators sothey can investigate the same location. *** Thistool comes with afile browser for easy loading and saving ofLocation files!*** Alsoincluded with this application is a FullHelp Menu. Each tool hasit's own Semi interactive Help Screen aswell. Not to mention, wehave a Group of Members, willing to Helpyou as well. Thank you foryour purchase...
Paratoolz 2019 Vibration Ghost Hunting Application 2.2
This application is Designed for Paranormal Investigators, whomneed a form of Communication outside the realms of a Evp Recorderor Mel Meter. Our Application Uses your Accelerometer Sensor, togive you the ability to read your current surroundings. Not everyVIB ( Vibration ), is a Paranormal Event. Which with thisapplication and our Older applications. You can determine this withExcellent Results. SAFETY Messages and Warnings... 1) BatteryMonitoring. This tool keeps track of Battery usage. If a High Drainof power occurs. The Alarm will activate to let the User know,Something is Draining Power Quickly from the Device. The Toolsincluded within this Application: 1) VIB Monitor. This tool is botha Visual Representation of your Accelerometer Data . It alsoincludes a Digital Readout of your Accelerometer Data.The toolitself can be tested for accuracy by simply tapping near thedevice. 2) VIB Manual. This Tool allows you to Calibrate yoursurroundings out of an Investigation. Things like High Vibrationscan be compensated up to 1000 Combined. The tool itself can betested for accuracy by simply tapping near the device. 3) LIVE /EVP Recorder This Tool has 3 Internal Tools. A. LIVE EVP. Live Evpis an Automatic 10 Second Record and Play Cycle of Recorded EVPs.The Cycle is Activated by a Vibration. This allows for Hands freeCommunication and Proves an Intelligent Input. B. GHOST BOX. Thisis also activated by Vibration. The Audio is chopped up GarbledNonsense. There is no Language and the audio loops. The User cantest the Audio by pressing the Test Button. It can be Activated byVibration. Users should only listen for an Answer to theirQuestion. Obviously, if you hear only Garbled audio via an Inputfrom VIB. You may want to use LIVE EVP instead. C. LIVE/ EVPRecorder. You can use this Recorder like any other sound recorderor you can allow an Input from an Vibration to activate theRecording. *** This Tool comes with a File Browser to playbackpreviously recorded files.The tool itself can be tested foraccuracy by simply tapping near the device. *** 4) DirectionalAnswers This tool by far is the easiest to use, simply because allit takes to choose an answer is a vibration to select an answer.Users can change the answers as well by clicking and filling in theedit boxes provided.The tool itself can be tested for accuracy bysimply tapping near the device. 5) Spirit Typewriter. This toolallows for a Vibration to Type out letters or numbers. Everythingis visible on the Screen with no hidden nonsense or code. The toolitself can be tested for accuracy by simply tapping near thedevice. *** This tool comes with a file browser for easy loadingand saving of Typed files!*** 6) Haunted Locations. This last toolallows you to pinpoint an exact Geo Location of any ElectromagneticDisturbance. You can then use the save file to find that exactlocation in the future or to share with fellow investigators sothey can investigate the same location. *** This tool comes with afile browser for easy loading and saving of Location files!*** Alsoincluded with this application is a Full Help Menu. Each tool hasit's own Semi interactive Help Screen as well. Not to mention, wehave a Group of Members, willing to Help you as well. Thank you foryour purchase...
Electromagnetic Meter and Ghost Box in one app
This is a Research Device for Testing a new means for the basecodeof a new Ghost Box. This is user Input collaboration. Pleaseradthe How too on the screen in the app to use and share yourdata.Thank you, fellow VBE INC supporters and Fellow TrustedAppDevelopers for your support.
Simply program to adjust the Brightness and ad filters to anyimageyour Device captures. Tools: 1) Filters A) Green B) VioletC)Orange 2) Darkness adjustment to Bright images 3)BrightnessAdjustment to Dark Images 4) Screen shot save with Time5) Draw onimage 6) Reset all This is a FREE Program suggested bythe Membersof VBE INC for users of ANDROID. We have a much moreadvancedversion for windowsathttps://rickyvb3.wixsite.com/vbeinc/windows-apps for FREE asWell.Thank you for your support...
This is a collaboration Between Kevin Himes and I.
VBE G-INC Ghost Box Ultra 3
From the Minds of the community here at VanBrakleEntertainment,comes the Second installment of VBE GHOST BOX. Thisone usesreverse audio, provided by Wes King and Wayne Fernandez atGhostsinc. Idea by: Brian Hollowayat:https://www.youtube.com/user/gpayasPlay one or play all banks.Cut out rate between 0 - 20. Any wordsyou hear forward, Yup, Spiritvoices. Version 2.1.2 is availablenow. I added a Mute Button,thanks to user input by: Kevin Himes.Check out his Youtube channelat:https://www.youtube.com/user/kevmodee1866/videos enjoy!!!